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Latest Updates on TSPSC Updates Direct Recruitments from official website tspsc.gov.in - Job Notifications Applications Online Direct Links Hall Tickets and Results, Merit List Details of Selection List

The official website of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) is tspsc.gov.in to provide information regarding the activities of TSPSC Managing Authority in Telangana State. It also provides the most up-to-date information about all government job advertisements, openings and departmental tests, Group-I, Group-II, Group-III, Group-IV Teacher Jobs, Recruitments Gurukulam Jobs VRO, ASO, JL Principal, Librarian, DL, HWO. Clerk, Direct Jobs, Recruitments, Applications, Vacancy Information, Hall Tickets/Admit Cards and Results, Merit List and Selection Lists as well as Certificates Verification Dates, Online Selections, Counseling Schedule Appointment Orders and Provisional Selection Lists, TSPSC Job Information Bulletin. .etc.. Latest updates are provided daily. You can find them on this page.

TSPSC Recruitment 2022

TSPSC Latest Notifications Apply Online, Hall Tickets Results and Merit List and Selection List More Details

Telangana Public Service Commission Job Notification. Candidates can apply for various posts through TSPSC Recruitment 2022 on their official website. Everyone wants to get a job in a government organization with a high rank and a good salary. TS Public Service Commission regularly conducts various examinations to recruit skilled candidates for various departments. In this article, we will inform all job seekers regarding Telangana State PSC Recruitment 2022. TSPSC has released the official notification of recruitment for various posts like Group 2, Group 3, Group 4 AEE, Gurukulam, Pollution Control Board. PCB, Forest Department, Veterinary, AEO, AE, EE, Exercise Department, HMWS & SB, Transport, Panchayat Raj, Health Department, Endowment Department and GHMC Posts Vacancies. All updates from TSPSC on regular basis can be found in this section.

TSPSC Website www.tspsc.gov.in Telangana State Public Service Commission Official Updates

TSPSC Official TSPSC tspsc.gov.in Jobs Notifications, Applications Hall Tickets Results, Merit List Selection List

# Official website of TSPSC


TSPSC Official Site tspsc.gov.in Jobs Notifications, Applications Hall Tickets and Results

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# TSPSC Latest Updates

Web Note - Amendment Option for Women and Child Welfare Officer (including Child Development Project Officer, ICDS, Addl. Child Development Project Officer, ICDS and Warehouse Manager) in Women Development and Child Welfare Department Notification No.13/2022 -Reg.

Web Note - Edit Option for Divisional Accounts Officer (Works) Grade-II- Notification no. 08/2022

GROUP-I SERVICES NOTIFICATION NO. Download HallTicket for 04/2022.

AEE Notification No.12/2022 Extension of Deadline for Submission of Web Note Online Application for Submission.

Web Note - Horizontal Reservation for Women Candidates - Reg.


Web-Note - For the post of Food Safety Officer in IPM, Notification.No.06/2022, Notification of Date of Written Test.

WEB-NOTE -APPENDIX TO NOTIFICATION NO. 16/2022, Dated: 12/09/2022 for the posts of Assistant Engineer, Municipal Assistant Engineer, Technical Officer and Junior Technical Officer in various departments

Assistant Engineer, Municipal Assistant Engineer, Technical Officer and Junior Technical Officer (General Recruitment) in various Engineering Departments - Notification no. 16/2022, dated 12/09/2022 - REG.

TRT - Webnote - Secondary Grade Teacher - Telugu Medium -Notification No-53/2017-An Agency Genuine Candidate Details- Khammam District

Notification No.14/2022, Dated: 07/09/2022 Supervisor of Town Planning Building under the control of Director of Town and Country Planning in Municipal Administration.

Assistant Executive Engineers (General Recruitment) serving in various Engineering Departments Notification No. 12/2022, Dated:03/09/2022 - Reg.

Web Notes for Assistant Engineer and Municipal Assistant Engineer and Technical Officer Posts. Junior Technical Officer

Web Note - CDPO Online Applications Receipts for Women Development and Child Welfare Department Notification No.13/2022 Dated: 05/09/2022. Start date: 13/09/2022.

Visit the official website for this recruitment details.

TSPSC Official TSPSC tspsc.gov.in Jobs Notifications, Applications Hall Tickets Results, Merit List Selection List

TSPSC Group 1

TSPSC Group 2

TSPSC Group 3

TSPSC Group 4

TSPSC Panchayat Raj

TSPSC Secondary Grade Teacher


TSPSC Extension Officer

TSPSC Deputy Surveyor


TSPSC Staff Nurse

TSPSC Physiotherapy

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TSPSC Gurukulam


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TSPSC Horticulture Officer

TSPSC Veterinary Assistant


TSPSC Language Pandit

TSPSC Medical Officers

TSPSC Pharmacist

TSPSC Assistant Professor

TSPSC Forest

TSPSC Lab Technician

TSPSC Teachers


TSPSC Panchayat Secretary

TSPSC Polytechnic Lecturer

tspsc.gov.in official website

About Telangana State Public Service Commission:

Telangana State Public Service Commission The newest Public Service Commission in the country, GO Ms No.43, GA(Ser.A) was established in the year by the Department. 8.8.2014. The state of Hyderabad is one of the most prominent princely states of India and has inherited over four hundred years of strong traditions and culture that is awe-inspiring in its beauty and historical significance. Since the time of Mir Mahbub Ali Pasha, VI Nizam (1869-1911), the process of selecting the most promising young talents for public service through selection process became popular in Hyderabad State. The Hyderabad Civil Service Committee was established by Firman in 1919, later renamed the Hyderabad Public Service Commission, on 27 April 1947 by Firman, the Hyderabad Public Service Commission was modeled on the British Provincial Public Service Commission with a chairman and members. Not more than four. The formation of this commission was a major milestone in Asaf Jahi's regime and transformed the entire system of civil services administration in the Nizam's state into what it is today. Hyderabad Civil Service was considered to be the most sought after and elite job in those days.

  TSPSC Official TSPSC tspsc.gov.in Jobs Notifications Applications Hall Tickets Results Merit List Selection List

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Blessed with an impressive legacy of over 150 years of attracting new talent through selection by the Telangana State Public Service Commission, endeavors to select the best talents of Telangana to recreate this rich history and restore the glory of Telangana.

The first Asaf Jahi rulers of Hyderabad state followed Mughal administration, customs and practices. They also appoint government officials on the basis of nominating and representing. Until the time of Mir Mahbub Ali Pasha, the sixth Nizam (1869-1911), no one was selected and selected for public service in any class. The foundation of a modern bureaucracy built on merit, value and choice was not laid. After Nizam VI assumed all powers, the year 1884 ushered in a new era of public service management. Sir Salar Jung I, Diwan (Prime Minister) was the founder of present day Hyderabad Civil Service. In the year 1882 Salar Jung issued an excellent journal and emphasized the importance of educating and training young Hyderabadis to join the Nizam's services. He suggested creating an efficient administrative system in the style of British India and introducing many administrative reforms. He broke up the outdated and archaic administrative structure and modernized government institutions by creating a separate class of civil service. Salar Jung's introduction of jilabandi system, establishment of subedari and talukadari system, revenue, police and judicial reforms helped to establish Hyderabad civil service structure. In later years, the Kanuncha Mubarik Proclamation of 1892, the Cabinet Council and the Executive Council (1919) framed rules and regulations governing the service, formalizing and regulating the Hyderabad Civil Service. Hyderabad Civil Services. These institutions reinforced the administrative reform plan implemented by Salar Jung I in 1892. The rules framed by the Nizams related to the administration of government employees in terms of classification of services, appointments, promotions, pay, pension, and retirement. Hyderabad State Services The legal structure of the Hyderabad State Services was framed by rules and regulations codified in 1919.

The Constitution of 1892 presented by the sixth Nizam was regarded as a milestone in the administration of personnel in Hyderabad State. Hyderabad State. In addition the 1919 constitution gave absolute power over the services to the rulers. Under the terms of the 1919 Firman, the Hyderabad Civil Service Committee was created and as a personnel organization, it played a central role in the administration of the Civil Service. It is completely independent in its operation and there is no attempt to influence its decision-making process. Committee. It is a multi-functional organization and is closely related to every aspect of the Hyderabad Civil Service. Examinations are required to be conducted to select the candidates for various vacancies and to select the position.

In 1938, the Executive Council Act constituted a committee chaired by the Minister of Finance under the Secretary of the Finance Officer to investigate the efficiency and performance of an agency or institutions for the appointment and appointment of Government Secretaries. , and their sphere(s) operation. After extensive discussions, it was suggested to create an impartial and independent recruitment agency named Hyderabad Public Service Commission. Hyderabad Public Service Commission. The committee concluded that the effectiveness of an administration depends on the staff it employs. Therefore, it is clear that the recruitment process, especially for the top positions of the administration plays important roles in establishing and maintaining its standards and effectiveness. Hyderabad Public Service Commission has been formed in this regard. The Hyderabad Public Service Commission was constituted on 27 April 1947 by a Firman. The formation of this commission was a major milestone in the management and organization of civil services under the Asaf Jahi regime. It brought the entire administrative system of the Nizam's State Civil Service into line with the present times. Hyderabad Civil Service is the most sought after service in the state of Hyderabad. It is considered an elite job and admission is given only to the top ranks of state officers through competitive examination. It was abolished in 1948. In 1948 the police force and its officers were merged into the Indian Civil Service of the Government of India.

  The Hyderabad Public Service Commission was established with the same functions as the British Provincial Public Service Commission. It consists of a Chairman and not more than four members. His Excellency the Nizam elected the members on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Executive Council. Hyderabad Public Service Commission Chairman and members are debarred from holding further jobs after ceasing to hold their office.

A Public Commission established by the previous Nizam, Mir Usman Ali Khan in 1947, was the first elected Chief Minister of Hyderabad State, Burgula Ramakrishna R. Hyderabad was the precursor to the Public Service Commission under the Constitution of India during Rao's reign. It was Hyderabad Public Service Commission which eventually merged with Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission in 1956. The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission existed until the unification of Andhra Pradesh State under the AP Reorganization Act in 2014 and its bifurcation into Telangana State and AP State.

Formation of Telangana State & Constitution of TSPSC:

A.P. According to the Reorganization Act 2014 Telangana State became a state on 02.06.2014.

Constitution of Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC).

Section 83(2) of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganization Act, 2014 (Central Act.6/2014) allows for the establishment of a Public Service Commission in the State of Telangana and is explained as follows.

  Section 83(2) provides for the creation of a Public Service Commission under Article 315 of the Constitution, until the State of Telangana and the Commission is constituted and constituted, which shall meet the needs of Telangana with the approval of the President of the Union Public Service Commission. The State of Telangana as per Clause (4) of Article.

In exercise of the power granted under Article 315(1) of the Constitution of India, the Hon'ble Governor of Telangana immediately created a Public Service Commission for the State of Telangana to make selections for posts in various categories. Telangana, are eligible for direct recruitment in the State of Telangana and are also eligible for performing duties required by Article 320 of the Constitution of India and other regulations issued by Go MS No.43, GA(Ser.A) Deptt. dated 8.8.2014. Pursuant to this, the Government of Telangana framed and promulgated the Telangana State Public Service Commission Regulations 2014 vide GO Ms.No.44 Genl. The manager (Ser.A) Deptt. 8/08/2014.

As a result of the powers conferred on the Governor under Article 316(1) (2) and (2) of the Constitution of India, the Hon'ble Governor of Telangana State is delighted to announce the appointment of Prof. Ghanta Chakrapani, a prominent educationist, journalist and noted political analyst in Telugu media, was the first instance chairman of the newly formed Telangana State Public Service Commission or orders made under GO Ms No.169 GA (Ser.A). Department, Dt.17.12.2014.

TSPSC Official TSPSC Website tspsc.gov.in Application Notifications, Job Notifications Hall Tickets Results

Telangana Public Service Commission has published job opening notification for various types of posts on its official website. Eligible and interested candidates can check the notification on the website and download it in PDF format for future use. At present time, Telangana State released TSPSC Employment 2020 notification for applicants. If you are looking for government jobs and definitely at the right place, we have latest public job advertisements for interested and interested applicants. Before going to apply for Telangana State PSC Vacancies, you must check eligibility criteria, age limit, educational qualification, application fee, post number and selection procedure with the help of TSPSC job notifications https://tspsc.gov.in.

tspsc.gov.in Official website