Dates are excellent for health.. Do not eat dates when they fall

Dates are excellent for health. However, they should not be eaten at any time when they fall. There is a specific time to take them. Then eat them and you will reap the benefits.

It is a fact that there is no human being who is unaffected in the present. There are many people who have health problem regardless of size. Maintaining health is not easy. Your body's health will improve if you pay attention to the nutrition your body needs. Diabetes is a common problem in recent times. Many people are trying to reduce their sugar intake to prevent weight loss, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Dates are a substitute for sugar. In fact, they are eaten more during fasting. Eating dates boosts immunity.

According to Ayurveda.. dates provide energy to the body. Dates are very high in fiber content. They also contain iron. It helps increase hemoglobin levels in your body. Many studies have shown that eating dates can reduce cholesterol levels as well as high blood pressure. Dates contain magnesium. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is a type of medicine for arthritis sufferers. They are high in minerals, vitamins and fiber, as well as calcium, potassium, phosphorus and copper.

Reduces the risk of constipation: Regular consumption of dates keeps the digestive system functioning normally. Dates are good for constipation. Because they contain both insoluble and soluble fibers. They reduce constipation.

Improves heart health Eating dates is good for your heart health. However, the risk of heart attack is higher in winter. Daily consumption of dates during this period can reduce the risk of heart attack.

Consuming dates reduces bad cholesterol in the body.

Improves Bone Health: Dates are rich in potassium, calcium and copper. They also contain phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. They help keep your bones and body in good shape. They also help in controlling blood pressure.

Increases Sexual Power: Sexuality is very important in marriage. However, some people have low sexual energy. People with low sexual potential should avoid these. They increase sexual power and strength in both.

Helps reduce fatigue: Eat dates immediately if you feel tired or weak due to work or other reasons. Fatigue decreases. The body can produce energy.

Anemia Control The iron content of dates helps in increasing the hemoglobin levels in the body.

Healthy weight loss: Consuming four dates daily helps in healthy weight gain.

Reduces the risk of piles The fiber content in dates reduces the risk of piles.

When is it good to take dates for meals?

Do not eat dates when they fall. Health experts advise that eating them early in the morning on an empty stomach or at lunch is good for health. If you are looking to lose weight, eat dates with ghee at night. If you take it four times a day, you will not only lose weight, but your digestion will also become healthy.

Why soak dates?

Experts advise that soaking dates in water is very beneficial for overall health. This is because the tannins in them neutralize the acidity of the phytic acids and help digest nutrients. The water in which they are soaked helps in easy digestion. It is best to soak dates for 8 to 10 hours or overnight before eating them.